Canadian Values Party

Finally a party you want to vote for that cares about all Canadians

Who we are
What we stand for
What makes us better
How to be heard
How you can help

 Welcome to the Federal Canadian Values Party

Every 4 years, Canadians head to the polls to cast their ballots in the hopes that the party they’re voting for isn’t as bad as the others. Most Canadians vote based on who they don’t want to win. Instead of voting for a party that you know cares about you, your community, and the entire country, you end up getting a party that either sounded great when they were on the campaign trail or at least didn’t sound as bad as the others.

We welcome each and every Canadian to have their say and have that heard by the people you elected, not just before the ballot, but after as well. We are not "politicians" in the true sense of the word, like all the other promise makers out there; we are Canadians that truly want to make this country a place that cares about its people and values that in the past, made this country great.

We pledge not just to you and those that will cast a vote our way, but to each and every Canadian who believes in Canadian values that we will do what is right by you and this great country.

Our goal is to do right by all Canadians by taking the politics out of politics

Our Motto:
No more politics
in politics
Canadians come first