Canadian Values Party
Finally a party you want to vote for
that cares about all Canadians
It's time that you are able to trust your politician again
It's time to get our Canadian values back
It's time for the Canadian Values Party
More information is available on our non-mobile version
Mr. Trudeau went on about how the rich don't need money for daycare. He has 2 full time staff, paid for by your tax dollars, to help look after his children.

You may or may not be aware that every political party that has been in power has used your tax dollars to help them win elections. That is beyond dishonest. After we win the next election, we will make that illegal.

Most politicians will promise you the moon in order to get elected. The Liberal Party wasn't in power less than 2 months before they started back tracking on things they were going to do. We vow to not make promises just to get your votes. If we say something, it's because we mean it.

Political rules are not meant to be broken or even bent. All Federal employees in and out of uniform are supposed to stand by a code of ethics. Skirting around laws because the rule was not "clear", won't cut it under our watch.
Our Mandate
Who we are
What we stand for
What makes us better
How to be heard
How you can help